Tips To Get Hired In December


December is hiring season!  Employers have money to burn before the end of the year. Smaller candidate pool = less competition. Don't wait until 2018 to be all "new year, new me!" 

I used these steps to land an interview with. Fortune 100 in December. Follow these tips to get a jump on the competition.  While they think no jobs are open, YOU know recruiters are looking for candidates.

1) Set job searches on LinkedIn, Indeed, and any other job search engine you use. The key here is to be first.  As Ricky Bobby said, "If you're not first, you're last." It is a numbers game.  The early bird gets the worm and the new job. This means you must keep your resume in fighting shape. HIT SEND, as soon as you roll over and see the notification in your inbox. Don't sleep on your opportunities.

2) Reach out to influencers at your dream companies/dream roles for informational interviews via LinkedIn. Emails are slowing down as people are winding up and heading on vacation.  No one wants to work right now.  The first two weeks are critical, after December 15th you can hang up hope on reaching the hiring manager in their inbox. 

3) Don't skip the office holiday party.  I get it, you don't want to mingle with your weird co-workers.  Buuuut, you do need to tell your boss, or their boss your interest in the next step on your ladder of fame. You also never know who you will meet during that clutch electric slide/wobble combo on the dance floor.  Tell everyone you are looking. .

4) Get In The Spirit and Give Back - Tis the season for helping others.  Take time out to serve your community.  It will help you clear your mind and you never know who will be in service next to you. The more you give the more you receive. 


Not sure your resume is up is up to par? Make sure to grab my free guide Land Your Dream Job - 10 Tips To Help Your Resume WOW Recruiters