Learn The Rules of The Game, and Play to Your Advantage

You are a high achiever.

But, as you climb the ladder, you need a support system that can help you understand the rules of the game.

We believe in holistic development that encompasses personal growth, professional skills, and leadership capabilities.


Embark on a transformative journey toward professional excellence

Tailored specifically for driven individuals like yourself, our coaching sessions offer a unique opportunity to dive deep into your goals, challenges, and aspirations.

Imagine a dedicated coach by your side, providing personalized insights, strategies, and unwavering support to help you navigate the complexities of leadership.

Whether you're aiming to sharpen your leadership skills, overcome career hurdles, or set a strategic career path, our one-on-one sessions are crafted to address your specific needs.

Elevate your decision-making, amplify your strengths, and build the confidence to seize every opportunity that comes your way.


Individual Session

(1) Hour - $397

Based on your individualized focus we teach you tools to prepare you for the career challenges ahead.

Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Women of Color Black Women, Imposter Syndrome, Leadership Growth

Four Sessions Package

Four (1) - Hour Sessions - $1,497

Based on your individualized focus we teach you tools to prepare you for the career challenges ahead.

Coaching, Black Women, Women of Color, Impact, Executive Presence, Communication, Growth

Eight Session Package

Eight (1) - Hour Sessions - $2,900

Based on your individualized focus we teach you tools to prepare you for the career challenges ahead.


Financing Available

(Click Book Now for prices as low as $99)



Authentically navigate your executive presence and own your impact


Refine your managerial abilities: empower fellow leaders to amplify your impact and influence.


Embrace your voice: cultivate assertive communication skills to lead with authority.


Define YOUR personal roadmap leveraging your unique skills and abilities


Build your personal board of directors to help you navigate, level-up, and own your career


Learn to identify the right mix of head + heart to keep you create the work-live balance you desire


Aithyni Robinson, Esq.

Play the Game To Your Advantage

With over 16 years of experience as Labor and Employment Attorney, Director of Career Services, HR Executive, and Diversity & Inclusion Director for a Fortune 50 - I am uniquely qualified to help you navigate challenging work experiences, unlock your superpowers, and leverage your power to get paid what you’re worth.

  • Navigating imposter syndrome

I love helping women and people of color to overcome career limiting beliefs, navigate feelings of fear and overwhelm. I help connect passion to purpose to help you find get paid your worth, through meaningful, strategic and intentional work.

Marshall Lindsey, Ph.D., MBA

Clarity, Purpose & Impact

I am a Chemical Engineering Ph.D., MBA, investment banker, and adjunct professor at the University at Buffalo.

I am also a Fellow of the inaugural class of Northwestern University’s (NU) Center for Leadership, where I learned fundamental coaching concepts and experience coaching members of the NU community.

Leveraging over 20+ years of experience, I will work with you to help you achieve what I have in my previous experiences:

  • Develop your own style for effectively interacting with organizational leadership,

  • Become a critical element within your organization,

  • Begin to look at the world around as a systems engineer, focusing on anticipation of issues and an evolving means to solve problems, and

  • Consider yourself not an employee, but an operative that delivers your unique expertise to your client: your employer.


FAQ’s - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Think of an executive coach as a more hands-on member of your personal board of directors. You have already created a track record of being effective. Together, we will work together to help YOU build more strategies to return greater value, first, to yourself and, second, to the stakeholders who your work affects.

  • An executive coach is not here to be a step-by-step “How to…” manual for the administration of your career development pathway. You are an executive so the expectation is that you are largely endowed with the capabilities necessary to see something through.

  • We have worked directly with several executives to support their career journey and our experience crosses industries.

    We have also worked with executives across top consulting firms (i.e. Deloitte, EY, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Accenture).

    We have experience working in tech (Google, Microsoft), Fortune 100 and Fortune 500s and Senior Business leaders across industyr.

  • I offer a 24 month payment plan for this service. This allows you to make payments and still receive services. The cost is $144 per month.

  • I've helped some of my previous clients with the following:

    How to interact with a difficult boss in a manner that salvages as much of the work relationship as possible, and maintains reputation within the broader company structure.

    I’ve helped executives plot strategic pivots for their company that significantly deviates from previous strategy in a manner that maintains client relationships and grows market presence.

    I’ve helped clients choose between competing opportunities, weighing risks against the monetary and career progression elements of each opportunity.

    Here are the most common topics discussed during executive coaching sessions :

    The Art of Influencing
    Coaching and Leading A Team

    Navigating Workplace Challenges

    How to Navigate Finding a Sponsor

    Executive Present

    Imposter Syndrome

    Career Growth and Expansion

    Thought Leadership and Visibility Strategies

  • We are happy to offer comments on your LinkedIn profile and suggest any changes and revisions during your session(s). We can also review your resume and offer comments or revision suggestions. However, we will not offer resume revision services during single coaching session offerings. Please consider our resume revision options for that service.