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How To Network Your Face Off in 2018

We have all read the statistics about networking meant to scare us into the fetal position and drive us to day drink without a party in sight. TIme for the scary statistics (cue the horror film music). Don't Just Go To Work. Get Involved, Join Orgs, Go To Events, Network Like Hell!


If the only way you are searching for a job is via online job boards, you are missing out on the hidden job market. You can't make #moneymoves when you are 1 of 250 applicants for a job. 

  • Eighty-five percent of jobs are filled through networking  

  • Only 11% of LinkedIn users have more than 100 people in their network

  • 51% of job seekers are without Linkedin profiles or haven't updated in their profile in OVER a year! 

  • 1 in 4 Job searches state they don't currently network at all 

  • At least 70 percent, if not 80 percent, of jobs are not published,

Now that you sobered up a bit - here are a few quick ways to network your face off and tap that hidden job market in 2018. 

1. LinkedIn is Kickass - If You Aren't Dropping In These Professional DMs You Don't Want A Job in 2018. LinkedIn is where it's at.  With over 530 million users, the network can be what you make it.  

Trying to transition careers? It's time to make new friends on the network.  Statistics show 35.5 million people have been hired by a person they connected with on LinkedIn. Additionally, a study of 6,000 executives found that the more connections an employee has, the greater their salary.  If a person increased their network by 50 percent they typically increase their salary by 3.8 percent increase in salary with respect to other networkers.

At a loss for where to start - here are some ideas

  • Find your alumni in your field of interest and, better yet, your job title and make a connection

  • Join a group and meet new people in your niche.  When you post a thread, your comments go directly to your reader's inbox. 

  • Share relevant content.  The better your posts and content, the higher you rank in the algorithm, allowing 2nd and 3rd level connections to interact with you. 

  • Add a personal note to your connection requests.  Networking is always better when you show a little love. 

2. Set up Informational Interviews - you talk a good game and you are trying to transition, but you can't figure out what is holding you back.  Ever watch The Talented Mr. Ripley? You know the creepy movie where Matt Damon copies his idol and finally offs the competition?  That's you. Well, without the blood and gore. But, you get it.  

You have to learn to become like those in the position you are seeking. You have to know the following:  important industry keywords, what the job looks like every day, what do they expect from someone 90 days into the role, what are their typical projects and current challenges in the field, where do they see the field trending in the next five years? If you can't answer these questions you need a little more Matt Damon in your life.  

Set up a meeting, grab a coffee, hold a virtual gab session, and learn what you are missing in your job search.

Hi John,

Our mutual friend Sarah Andrews recommended I reach out to you, as I’m exploring different career options and am very interested in learning more about the healthcare field (specifically pharmaceuticals). From what Sarah has said, it sounds like you’ve had quite an amazing career at Johnson & Johnson! I’d love to buy you a cup of coffee next week and would love to hear more about how you navigated your journey, and get some advice on what you've learned along the way. Please let me know if you’d be open to meeting in the next two weeks. I look forward to hearing from you.

3. Set A Goal Already - Have you narrowed down job titles? I hear this so often, "I know what I DON'T want to do." The flaw in this statement is you haven't determined what you do want.  People hate wishy washy  people with no structure.  You can't ask someone to help you or ask for information if you have no idea of what you want. 

Set a goal and determine:  job titles, the specific industry you are targeting, a sample list of the companies you feel are right up your alley. Take this list with you when you are networking to find your next opportunity.  Make sure your connections - 

  • Know that I am looking for a new job

  • Know specifically what type of job I am looking for

  • Know the specific industry I’m targeting

  • Have a list of sample companies I’d like to work for

  • Understand how they can help me (I’ve asked them to introduce me to connections at a target company or refer me to a job with their employer)

  • Have a copy of my resume

  • Are connected with me on LinkedIn

Cheers to landing your dreams in 2018.  What are your networking musts?

Looking for help? I can help you come up with a plan to find your dream job. Schedule your appointment today!